Legal Information


All information has been gathered with a view to accuracy.
Listing of organisations is not an endorsement or comment upon an individual organisation, beyond the information gathered. We in no way claim that the list of sources used is complete or comprehensive. Rather we seek to make existing information transparent and accessible. We encourage people to follow the links to the listee websites and to evaluate the information using their own judgments based on what they value.

The Ethical Consumer Group does not accept liability for any error contained in the information. The Ethical Consumer Group is not liable for any loss or damage suffered arising from any reliance on or otherwise placed on the content of this information.


The entirety of the content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia License.

Almost all the information on this website has been sourced from within the public domain or updated by listees. We’re keen to get this information distributed in many wide and various forms, and so we encourage you to share, copy or redistribute this material, for instance, by duplicating it on your own web site, provided that:

  • You acknowledge Local Harvest or the primary source as the source of the material
  • You do not make any money from your use of this material and;
  • That any product or web site you build using our material carries an identical license.

We encourage you to contact the primary source for permission. Contact us if you’re unsure of where you stand.

Creative Commons Licence

Contact us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our contact form or by emailing us directly at